Free Live Trial

You can try the full version of Farm Matters live free with no obligation. To get started simply download and install Farm Matters. Then follow the setup wizard to get you up and running. In order to populate your cattle or use the CTS web services you will need your CTS user ID (formatted as NNN-NNN-NNN) and password. Download Farm Matters


"8 years of using farm matters, great product, brilliant service and I have passed numerous inspections as the software keeps me up to date with recent legislation. Would really recommend it!" Adam Hunter
NW & RE Hunter


Farm Matters offers an all-in-one software solution at a very affordable price. No hidden charges and no hassle! Check out how we compare to the competition here.

Only £258 pa + VAT

Sheep Software

More details coming soon

Free live trial

Farm Matters is a subscription service with NO initial cost, try using your own farm information totally free with no obligation. We are confident that once you start using the software you will be impressed by it's excellent quality and the high standard of support given. You have nothing to lose! No obligation! No contract! No initial cost!

We have used the Farm Matters system for many years and highly recommend the program for it’s simplicity and efficiency in managing our livestock records.

Download Farm Matters